Wednesday 5 April 2023

The Pink Flamingo 5.4.2023

Another day, another adventure! Bob is certainly taking his Grand Tour of Scotland very seriously! (And we love the pink flamingo!!) Here is a lovely email from Jonathon about what he and Bob have been up to today. More pictures are on our Twitter feed.

Dear Dounby School,

Since Julia’s email yesterday, Bob and I headed around to the Creative Scotland office in Glasgow at The Lighthouse where we met some Screen and Finance colleagues who were delighted to be introduced to Bob and gave us some things for their collection. Then we headed up to the recently reopened viewing gallery and got some nice snaps of Bob with the Glaswegian skyline behind them before heading back to Edinburgh.

Bob stayed overnight in Leith with me and has been bearing up well (aside from a bit of a broken arm from travelling- their arm is now stuck back on but may need some TLC from you, Liz!) and met our flamingo wall mounted sculpture, Florence, and has visited Ocean Terminal where the Royal Yacht Britannia is now moored.

We will be heading up to the Portrait Gallery this afternoon to allow Bob to carry on to their next adventure!

Thanks again for entrusting us with Bob for the past couple of days- it’s been a pleasure to have them around and everyone has been very interested in their story and finding out more about where they came from, have been and are going.

Please see some pics below! Hope you all have a fab Easter break and Bob enjoys the last few stops on their adventure!

All best,


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