Tuesday 4 April 2023

Bob's Capital Adventure 4.4.2023

It may be our Easter holidays, but that is not stopping Bob! Just read the lovely email we have had from the amazing team at the Creative Learning Network and Education Scotland.

Photos are on our Twitter feed (which you can see on this website if you do not want to Twitter).

Hi Islean and everyone at Dounby Primary

Bob has arrived in Glasgow today after having a lovely day in Edinburgh with Jonathan yesterday.

Jonathan introduced Bob to his colleagues in the Children and Young People Team at Creative Scotland’s offices on Princes Street. They went up in the elevator to the rooftop garden for Bob to see the views over the city. It was a lovely sunny day!

Today, Jonathan and Bob came to Glasgow on the train (it was a very long journey because of a signal failure on the line…..but they did see some interesting places on the way as the train wound its way through West Lothian and North Lanarkshire).

They met Barbara and I at Education Scotland’s offices which are on the 8th and 9th floor of a city centre building. We went out to see some Glasgow sites at lunchtime and Bob had their photo taken on the Squiggly bridge over the river Clyde. They also went to see the famous Hielanman’s Umbrella under Central Station.

After our meeting today, Bob and Jonathan will go to Queen Street station to get the train back to Edinburgh….they might have time to see some other Glasgow sights before they go!

We look forward to hearing where Bob’s Adventure takes them next.

Sending you all a big hello from Glasgow,


Julia, Barbara and Jonathan

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