Friday 15 December 2023

An Amazing Donation to Our Toast Stop! 15.12.2023

It surely is the season for amazing things to happen! We are delighted to announce that for the coming calendar year, JP Orkney have donated £360 towards the bread and other items that we use at our Toast Stop Breakfast Club. This is just such an amazing donation to received and everyone at Dounby School cannot thank Jane and Paul from JP Orkney enough for making our breakfast offer possible for the coming months ahead. Our Toast Stop regularly gives breakfast to almost 100 of our 133 pupils - that's an amazing 75% of our school population. Toast is offered on a Wednesday and now Friday mornings for any pupil who would like it and is only possible due to the amazing local volunteers, our Milestone Church and school staff. As a school we notice the remarkable difference that piece of toast and jam can make in a morning - so thank you JP Orkney and all our volunteers that are making a real difference in the lives of our wee school. From all at Dounby School!

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