Monday 20 November 2023

Orkney Charitable Trust - Every Child Deserves a Christmas 20.11.2023

 Every Child Deserves a Christmas

Life brings unexpected challenges and at Christmas these pressures can feel even greater. The current cost of living crisis is an ongoing concern to us all. We are all experiencing the cost of everyday essentials like groceries and bills rising faster than incomes while we recover from the challenges of the recent pandemic.  

We are here to support young people in our community. This grant provides assistance towards a Child’s Christmas.

The Charity has worked hard again, to be able to offer these Christmas grant at £60 per child.

For 2023, the £60 grant per child is paid by bank transfer.

To be eligible for the grant, the child must:

1. Be under 16 on the 25th December 2023 and be permanently resident in Orkney

2. Be connected to a professional or voluntary organisation who can verify that a grant would make a significant difference to Christmas this year. For example:

• NHS Worker
• Voluntary Sector Agency
• A Social Worker
• A School Teacher
• Other professional working with the child/family


* Please complete one form per Household, including all children on the one form.
* No forms will be accepted unless all sections, including verifier details at 12-14 are completed.
* Funds are limited and not all applications may be successful.
* The information provided in this application form will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will never be disclosed to third parties.
* The information will only be used for the purposes of this application and shall adhere to the relevant GDPR regulations.

We aim to deal with all forms as quickly as possible, usually each Saturday with grants paid on the following Monday.

We hope these grants help add a little magic this Christmas. 

Orkney Charitable Trust

Orkeny ristmas X

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