Thursday 16 February 2023

Online Safety 16.2.2023

 As you will be aware, we have had some issues come in to school today from an online chat. We are working with OIC and Police Scotland to make sure all our families have the best information and support availalbe to them and this evening we have created an Online Safety area of our website.

Here you will find leaflets and resources from a range of sources that support families to make sure everyone is safe when using the internet. Also included is the Snap Chat guides for families so that folks can see the support that is on offer from this particular application that has been the main source of the incidences today. We will keep adding to this as we find new resources.

Below are a couple of links, recommended to us by Police Scotland, that may also be of use to families when talking about how to stay safe online. We are also going to host members of our local Community Policing Team and offer a further information evening for families as soon as is practicable. Our evening last year was very well attended and we hope by adding in a presentation from our police colleagues will be of value to our families.

Please do not hestiate to contact Miss Gibson at the school if you would like to talk through anything from today or about any of the resources that will be shared. They will be online as soon as possible this evening.

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