Friday 28 October 2022

Swona Class Context for Learning Update 28.10.2022

Our Swona class have been exploring the different experiences of the passengers on board the Titanic. They did this by picking out the similarities and differences between the food each class may have eaten, the rooms they frequented and had access to, and they also looked at how each class was treated on board. 

They have been reading the novel "I Was There On Board The Titanic" and have been investigating the two main characters in the story, Daisy and Jimmy. The pair met on board the ship and come from two very different backgrounds. During their writing lessons they have been comparing the two, looking carefully at the similarities and differences between them.

They also looked at menus that were actually served on the Titanic, researched any ingredients or meals they did not know and then created their own menus for each of the different classes. They tea stained them to make them look old and waterlogged. 

It is great to hear how their learning is progressing - fabulous work, Swona!


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